Monday, March 9, 2009


I wanna be in high school BADLY. Lunch money, bad music, horrible hairstyles- wait, im not entirely sure i dropped that one. Anyway, I think what i miss most is that when people tell you that you aren't making the grade you can get angry at them and listen to bad metal punk rap music. In the real world its all shwabba wabba music, introspection and gravy.

Gravy is my Urban slur for the day- its what you put on your life to make it look n taste better after you cook it a bit too long. Its also what my Chicken needed. And dont put peanuts in your rice. And dont lie in the foetal position in the shower crying with a sponge for a pillow rubbing a soapy lather into your elbow.

1 comment:

  1. Dude i find myself many times wishing i could rewind back to the high school days and savour the moments more, had awesome times then with no worries and stress of the "big" world, damnit, why must we grow up, hehe.. nice1 on the gravy:)
