Wednesday, April 1, 2009

LITTLE PROTEIN, beeg nurse crush :)

So thats the dilema. Eat minimal amounts of protein and spare my Glandular fever debauched liver or drink beer, eat tons of steak and spend more time with the lovely Christelle from THE DOCTOR'S :) she is a pretty hey!?!?!

If you share my current predicament, make yourselves a chicken, cheese, cucumber and lettuce sarmie with your personal preference mixed sauce (dont forget CHILLI n Garlic mix spice) on olive ciabatta. Its super simple, super NO DISHES, and healthy. And sometimes it comes packaged :) SShhhhhh....

Ok, dead right, im revealing how lazy my ass is but the truth is, when it comes to getting varsity assignments done, you just gotta buy time wherever you can. Here comes a 70 percenter - icanna feelitt!!

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