Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Hooker named Hore.

Andrew Hore deserves a home at Coca Cola Park, unfortunately the All Black franchises hang on to any valuble players they have. Hookers are renowned for selling their souls weekly for mandrax in our city centre. This selling of souls has become quite catchy and now fullbacks, fly-halves and loose-trios can be seen embaressing their forefathers infront of a semi-empty grand stand on the corner of Hillbrow and Berea.

I have heard of such shows in Amsterdam and wanted to give it a bash with my girlfriend and our friends. Just like in the movies, the act was indulged by proffessionals like Rose, Herkie, Baywatch and Luus. Rose was continually up-ended and Herkie "I come from a broken Home" Kruger rogered everyone around him, too much depth.

The sordid affair left everyone hurt and a little ashamed. We hung our heads low as Rose used all the momentum and skill he could summon from the bag of tricks which brought him forward during Craven week as South Africa's answer to the questions surrounding the development of mixed race porn... sorry, rugby, and ran himself directly into a defender who was so surprised by the "run into the tackler" tactic and shat on the turf. I wish my 45kg mother could fight Rose in a street fight and teach him a lesson.

If you can tell im tired of writing about the Lions by substituting sexual inuendos into the text then you were probably watching the same game. The more I complain every week the more the coaching staff sell our best players and send our scouts to hunt down the world's most ridiculous non-stars. And after they try as best they can to retain the worst starting line-up for consistency, consistent loss at home, to franchises like the Griquas and a Sharks team- missing their entire front row, fly half, centre and parts of their bench to Springbok selection.

After a leaderless series of games for Herkie, this weekend, a game 3 too many in his non-existent career, will see an end to the Lions attempt at a Currie cup semi final. Fortunately the league is weak at the bottom and even the Golden franchise couldn't hunt relegation with the Leopards and the Kavaliers (nearly beat us 19-13) doing nothing but tackle and miss tackles toward a lower division next year.

And Earl rose wears a scrum cap. wearing a scrum cap without scrumming is like fucking for virginity.

And he wears gloves, seriously.